Botswana – A Pride of Africa

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In Botswana, UNIVERSITY students get paid $154 monthly to go to school. Botswana’s citizens get FREE land if they apply when they are above 18.

The country is so safe that even the President can walk around without SECURITY. All Citizens receive FREE healthcare. Botswana gives Grants to OLD people and PHYSICALLY challenged people.

In 2017, Botswana’s Parliament approved a law to provide FREE sanitary pads for girls in all schools to improve access to EDUCATION. They are Visa free to a lot of countries including UK but you’ll rarely see any of them traveling to UK.

What are you going to do in another country when your country provides the basic things. I used to think it’s the normal black man mentality for all Africans, but looking at this, it means we’re not born bad as Africans, it’s some of our LEADERS and POLITICAL decisions that’s bad. Because look at Botswana.. They just proved me wrong .

Very true. That country is the Switzerland of Africa. Very good. There is no power outage. 24/7 electricity on. Even children in primary and secondary school eat free food twice a day.

They will even take plenty home because it’s too much, some of their parents and families will eat out of it. From Creche/Nursery School,to Secondary school, once you have your Omang (Citizenship number) you go to shop to collect school uniform, shoes, socks, school bags free of charge for your children at government expense.

Textbooks, notebooks and pencils, and birds are given free in the schools. They even print others subjects, Maths, sciences, Geography etc in their language, *Sestwana*

Under five children, to encourage parents bring them for monthly check up, they have clinics like 20 to 25mins walk from people’s home and you get oil( ororo), peanut butter, sugar, flour and Sorghum meal( 5kg) fortified with vitamins and nutrients to feed the babies, babies can’t even finish it before the next visit so families already have their breakfast porridge most times.

These universities students live free in very nice air-conditioned/heater hostels in the University, with free WiFi, and water and electricity always 24/7 all at the expense of the government
Some parents infact most in Botswana have never spend a dime on their children’s education and some have 5/6/7 children who are graduates.

Some parents will even be waiting for their children to come share out of their monthly pay with them.

The most painful aspect of it is that they don’t even have half of the money that the poorest state in Nigeria has. Very good management of resources and very low tolerance or acceptance to corruption.

Anytime the president is to visit somewhere, he goes with food, free food for all on that day. And they always keep their people informed and knowledgeable of so many things and latest awareness.

Even to the most remote villages they take their different policies and workshop trainings there and provide social amenities for them.

They send these children abroad for Masters, Phds, they will always come back home after graduation because before they arrived jobs and accommodation are already waiting for them. No matter the country their children will say they are coming back if asked about staying behind abroad.

Developed countries respect them alot o. Infact they enjoy a lot of scholarship from UK, Canada, USA and Australia.

Their borders are very tight and strict, and Visa very difficult to get. Come and see the way they deport white people from their countries.. . .. they fear them o, and they know their rights.

Once they see you have a good job, banks will be running after you to give to loan to build house, run business, infact they were begging a lady to help her openshop run it, just for the place to be in her name.

And they encourage their children being around home together and not far from the country so they can build their countries together.

They once sacked a minister because he used official car to go pick his child from school. No family member, not even your wife is to be seen in an official car given to you.

Ministers children and parliament members children all school with everybody. The president will bring his child to the hospital himself, there was a time that my husband was the one that attended to them and he will even be nice and chatting with those on duty.

It’s a very good country. If Nigeria can emulate 20% of their administration and discipline we shall be better off (Flowerbudnews)

Biola Lawal

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