Take youths unemployment very serious, Shehu of Borno advises guber aspirant

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The Shehu of Borno, Alhaji Abubakar Garba, has advised  an All Progressives  Congress (APC) aspirant, Ahaji Idrisa Mamman Durkwa  to take youths unemployment with all seriousness it deserved by creating Jobs to the youths and take education as his priority if elected.

According to him, unemployment and illiteracy were the root cause of Boko Haram insurgency.

The Shehu, who made the call when Alhaji Idris Mamman Durkwa and his campaign team paid him a homage at his Palace to seek his fatherly blessing on Tuesday, urged the aspirant to ensure the continuity of government policies, programmers and project of Governor Kashim Shettima so as to drive the post insurgency, rehabilitation, reconstruction, resettlement for the greater development of the state.

“if elected, I also want to work closely with the Federal Government to fix the Maiduguri- Gamboru- Rann road, Maiduguri Kukawa road, as well as construction of Kukawa Abadm road and  the oil explorations in the shores of Lake Chad. You should also consider the resuscitation of Irrigation activities along the Lake Chad,” the Shehu appealed.

The APC gubernatorial aspirant, Alhaji Durkwa, assured the Shehu that he is going to run an all inclusive government when elected,” irrespective of any part of the state you belong to or tribal and religious sentiments”.

“I am also going to take the civil service with all seriousness, as they are the engine room and implementers of government policies and programmes. As a seasoned technocrat, we are going ensure complete reorganization to ensure effective service delivery,” the aspirant added.

He said ” if elected I am going g to be the Governor of Borno State not Southern Borno where I came from, so I am going to ran an all inclusive government where all citizens have a stake irrespective of ethnic, religious and regional  affiliation. ”

Earlier while introducing the aspirant, Engineer, Ibrahim Usman Biu, told the Shehu that they were in the palace to seek his royal blessing, .

He said “though the aspirant is from southern Borno, we consider the people of Central and Northern Borno, as our brother and believe it is tie for them to allow us to produce the next governor in 2019. We believe they will do so, as it may interest you to know that it was our brothers from Northern and Central Borno that bought the form for our aspirant, Alhaji Idris Mamman Durkwa. ”

Aldo in an interview with newsmen in Maiduguri, the APC aspirant Alhaji Idris Durkwa said that if elected he is going to focus on security, education, agricultural, job creation, health, water supply which have direct bearing on the lives of his people.

Biola Lawal

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