UNICAL Mgt. Sets up Investigative Panel Over Fire Incident

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By Danladi Ahmed

Calabar (Flowerbudnews): The Management of the University of Calabar ( UNICAL) has set up a panel to investigate the immediate and remote causes of the recent fire that gutted its staff quarters.

A statement signed by the University Registrar, Mr. Gabriel O. Egbe states that the Panel set up by the Ag. Vice Chancellor on behalf of Management has been mandated to submit reports of its findings to the Vice Chancellor within one week.

The statement also indicates that the Panel has as its terms of reference; to identify persons whose actions or inactions may have contributed to the fire incident; to determine the extent of damage caused by the inferno;

to assess the adequacy of fire preventive measures and safety protocols in place at the staff quarters particularly and the University as a whole and to recommend measures that will prevent similar incidents in future.

The 8-man committee has Prof. Ernest Asikong of the Department of Microbiology as Chairman.

Others include: Prof. Osha Odey of the Faculty of Engineering, Engr. Joseph Alaga – Director of Works, Arc. James O. Ikpi – Director of Physical Planning, Mr. Henshaw Ededem – Head of Estate Unit, Mrs. Alice Oduyaya – SA Labour to the VC, Engr. Adeniyi Daodu – Dep. Director, Mechanical and Barr. Hillary Nyiam of the Legal Unit as members .

According to the Registrar’s statement, the Ag. Vice Chancellor reposes much confidence in the Panel’s capacity to discharge the important assignment creditably. (Flowerbudnews)


Biola Lawal

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