UNICAL holds solemn assembly to herald academic session

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First UniCal Solemn Assembly in 2024 held at the University’s

By Christian Njoku
Calabar:   The University of Calabar, on Monday, held a solemn assembly to herald a new academic session.

The event held at the institution’s International Conference Centre.

It had the theme: “Walk With Me, Oh Lord”.
The Vice Chancellor of the university, Prof. Florence Obi, said that the essence of the service was to hand the institution over to God.

Obi said that although it had become a tradition for the university to seek God’s blessings at the beginning of every semester and session, there was the need for staff and students to personalise the theme of the service.

She said that the solemn assembly indicated the intention of the institution to walk with God and align with His ways.
“I thank God for sparing the lives of staff and students.

“I charge you to continue to uphold the good name of the university.
“I also commend the guest speaker for accepting the invitation to share God’s precious words in the institution,” she said.
In a sermon, the guest preacher, Rev. Fr. Francis Eworo, said that God was prepared to walk with any individual or community willing to obey Him.
Eworo, who preached from the book of Isaiah, Chapter One, said that, for men to walk with God, they must repent of their sins and turn to God.
“Many worship assemblies are breeding rebellion and have become detestable to God.
“I call on all staff and students to begin a needful walk with God.

“Listen to and enjoy His company, align with his will and consequently produce Christian fruit,” the cleric said.

The solemn assembly was attended by the institution’s principal officers, staff, students and clergymen. (NAN)(www.nannews.ng) /Flowerbudnews

Biola Lawal

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