UNGA: Akobundu, Bande’s remarks kick-start high-level event against Illicit funding

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UNGA: Akobundu, Bande’s remarks kick-start high-level event against Illicit funding

Princess Gloria Akobundu, National Coordinator/ Chief Executive Officer, African Union Development Agency-New Partnership for Africa’s Development/African Peer Review Mechanism (AUDA-NEPAD/APRM)Nigeria, will make the opening remarks at a high-level side event of the ongoing 74th United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) on Wednesday.


This is contained in a statement signed on Tuesday by Abolade Ogundimu,  Media Assistant to NC/CEO, AUDA-NEPAD/APRM Nigeria.

Also in quick succession, Prof. Tijjani Muhammad-Bande, President of UNGA will also be making his remark while President Muhammadu Buhari will deliver the keynote statement at the event.

The high-level side event with the theme ‘Promotion of International Cooperation to combat Illicit Financial Flows (IFF) and strengthen good practices on Asset Recovery and return to foster sustainable development’ is jointly organised by the Government of Nigeria, Norway, Ethiopia, South Africa and Zambia.
Mr. Ibrahim Magu, Acting Chairman, Economic and Financial Crimes Commission(EFCC) will make brief statement on the theme.

According to Akobundu, the event among others, aims to be a platform for exchange of views on the best ways of curtailing IFFs by 2030 and sharing of national experiences and best practices on partnership that can work.

“During the event, discussions will focus on how to identify challenges and opportunities in International cooperation in the fight to end IFFs while drawing attention to areas that are not well covered under United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC).

“The high-level event will also be used to draw attention to the imperative of addressing challenges associated with capacity building for asset tracing, freezing, management and recovery governance framework,” she said.

It will be recalled that AU/ECA, chaired by Mbeki found that Illicit commercial activities account for 65% of Africa’s IFFs while criminal activities and corruption account for 30% and 5%.
The UNGA side event will be used to find lasting solution to the anomaly bedevilling the continent and other parts of the world.

Nigeria and other four other nations will be collaborating with European Union Delegation, African Union Permanent Observation Mission, the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), Civil Society Financing for Development, Group and the African Development and Action Forum.

The sideline event will be attended by heads state and government,ministers and UN high level officials for a robust discussion on how to combat Illicit Financial Flow and fostering sustainable development.

Some of the participants who will also be making statements at the event include President Sahlework Zewede of Ethiopia; Dr. Amina Mohammed, Deputy Secretary-General, UN, Mousa Faki Mahamat, Chairperson, African Union Commission(AUC); Thabo Mbeki, former South African President and Chair, AU/ECA High-level Panel on IFF from Africa.

Others are: Dag- Inge Ulstein, Minister of International Devlopment,Norway; Alexander Chiteme, Minister of National Development Planning, Zambia; Naledi Pandor, Minister of International Relations and Cooperation, South Africa and; Mr. Mukhisa Kituyi, Secretary-General, UNCTAD.

Similarly, Dr. Ibrahim Mayaki, C.E.O, AUDA-NEPAD and a former Prime Minister, Niger Republic and; Mr. Neven Mimica, European Union Commissioner for Development.

Panelists at the event will include: Prof. Ibrahim Gambari, Nigeria’s former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Ms Irene Ovonji- Odida, Commissioner, Independent Commission for the Reform of International Corporate Taxation and former member of the Mbeki Panel and: Prof. Victor Harrison, Commissioner for Economic Affairs, AUC.

Also on the panel are: Mr. Dereje Alemayehu, Director, Global Alliance for Tax Justice; Mr. Shawan Mathews, former C.E.O,Cantor Fitzgerald and Company and Prof. Eddy Maloka, C.E.O, APRM Continental.

Prof. Itse Sagay, Chairman,Presidential Advisory Council against Corruption (Nigeria) and a delegate from EU will be the respondents.

The event is scheduled between 6.30pm and 9.00pm at the Conference Room 3, UN Headquarters, New York.


Biola Lawal

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