Much Ado About TPLT Wayrrmark on PEPC Judgement

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By Barr. Jesutega Onokpasa

(Flowerbudnews):  Any copy of the judgement of the Presidential Election Petition Court, PEPC, that bears the watermark of the Tinubu Presidential Legal Team, TPLT, is the copy circulated by the TPLT, itself and this is so because when the judgement was released to it, it decided to watermark it as its own copy while scanning it for release to the public.

The original copies released by the PEPC does not bear the TPLT watermark and so the copies circulated by the PDP, Labour Party and APM (if they bother to circulate same) should similarly bear their own watermarks if they so desired but I don’t think they would be minded to do so since they lost so woefully and were so thoroughly excoriated, and rightly so, by their lordships.

Any copy of the judgement bearing the TPLT watermark bears it because it was placed there as a mark of pride in its work at the tribunal by the TPLT when circulating it.

The original at the PEPC does not bear it and never did.

While social media “experts” have been advertising their ignorance over the watermark, the legal teams of Atiku Abubarkar and Peter Obi have kept mute because they know it’s total humbug. (Flowerbudnews)

Biola Lawal

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