(The writer – Zainab, is an aspiring Mass Communicator, Writer and Broadcaster, currently studying English Language at the University of Abuja.)
By Zainab Musa
Abuja” (Flowerbudnews): Getting admission into the University was one of my happiest moments ever. . I was very excited when I got admission into the University of Abuja.
After preparing myself to go back to school again, though it wasn’t an easy process, but it was an exciting experience and a memorable one.
Finally, I when I got to the gate of the University,, I becameI so nervous and began missing home. I however, encouraged myself to be focused.
After I was allocated to my accomodation by the hostel portress, I parked my box and every other belongings of mine and prepared my bed, waiting for the next day to complete my physical screening.
It was a very long night to me because, I felt lonely and bittered because I had no friends then.
The next morning, I took my shower and prepared a quick breakfast and left for my physical screening.
I was successfully screened and I became happy, then I got back to my hostel and had a restful day.
I started attending lectures that same week, though it wasn’t easy for me to grab everything because I wasn’t too focused because I missed home so badly.
As time flew, I got used to everything and even made friends at my Department and hostel.
There are beautiful and handsome students in University of Abuja.
Different types of people with different characters. People are friendly here and very easy and lenient to be with.
After my one month experience, I can say that University of Abuja is not for the weak.
Being in University of Abuja is a privilege because it’s one of the best Universities in Nigeria if not the best. (Flowerbudnews)
About Flowerbudnews
Established by Hon. Biola Lawal, a former Acting Managing Director of the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN), FLOWERBUDNEWS is a consortium of active veteran journalists, experienced Multimedia broadcast experts and image makers. We are drawn from both public and private sectors of Nigeria’s media Industry with a common determination to enhance the practice of responsible journalism.
Lawal, on his part, is also a former Honourable Commissioner for Information, Youth, Sports and Culture of Osun state, his home state.
On the International scene, Biola Lawal had also successfully served two tenures as Press Secretary to the ECOMOG Force Commander in Liberia during the Liberian and Sierra Leone Civil wars. He was an outstanding NAN Defence and War Correspondent for many years.
The retired NAN Acting Boss holds the honour of being the only journalist that served two terms on the EVOWAS’ ECOMOG Regional assignment due to his high professionalism and decency.
He is a Co-Author of the book; ECOMOG, A BOLD ATTEMPT AT REGIONAL PEACEKEEPING! Edited Mrs Magaret Voght. The book remains the most. factual, detailed and authentic book on the ECOWAS sponsored ECOMOG Military operation.
He is also the Author of a Mass Communication Book; PUBLIC COMMUNICATION In The 21st Century, A Guide to Press Secretaries and Image Makers (Currently awaiting Printing and Public presentation)