Malawi’s vice president confirmed dead in plane crash

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LILONGWE:  (Xinhua)/Flowerbudnews: — Vice President of Malawi Saulos Chilima, along with nine other individuals who were on board a military aircraft, have been confirmed deceased after the aircraft went missing on Monday morning, President Lazarus Chakwera announced on Tuesday.

Chilima was traveling to a funeral of the country’s former Attorney General and Minister of Justice Ralph Kasambara, who was found dead in a room at a lodge in Lilongwe, the capital of Malawi, Friday, and his body was buried Monday at his home village in Nkhata Bay, a few kilometers from Mzuzu Airport.

The plane failed to make its scheduled landing at Mzuzu Airport at 10:02 a.m. (0802 GMT) on Monday, according to the country’s Secretary to the President and Cabinet Colleen Zamba.

Biola Lawal

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