Electricity Market’s Initial Advisory Panel Presents Report of Activities to NERC

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By Danladi Ahmed

Abuja (Flowerbudnews):  The initial Stakeholder Advisory Panel (iSAP) for the Nigerian Electricity Supply Industry (NESI) has submitted a report of its activities as it ended its assignment.

A National Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) statement obtained by Flowerbudnews recalled that ISAP was set up in 2021.

It was set up in line with the operational Market Rules with the responsibility to recommend to NERC changes in the market rules, grid codes, and other recommendations for the financial viability of the NESI.

The iSAP Chairman and Managing Director of Mainstream Energy Commission Limited, Engr Lamu Audu led the panel to Commission in Abuja.

He also submitted the report to the NERC Chairman, Sanusi Garba on behalf of the panel. (Flowerbudnews)

Biola Lawal

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