Accident: Illegal Driving Operations sparked life-threatening at Lagos anchorage

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Lagos:  The Diving Personnel Development Foundation (DPDF) has advised divers to ensure requisite approvals were obtained before carrying out any dive operation in the nation’s territorial waters.

DPDF Principal Investigator Julius Ngwala, gave the advice in a statement following recent illegal diving operation which resulted in tragic incident which incapacitated the diver in critical health conditions in Lagos Anchorage.

He condemned the illegal diving practices and advised contractors to follow the rules of engagement regarding diving operations.

Another Scuba diver was recently found dead after engaging in an unapproved diving operation at Nigerian Ports Authority (NPA) Delta State.

Ngwala said in a latest incident, a scuba diver, Mr Michael Udo, has called out BW Tech Global Logistics Services PVT Ltd. to explain the accident which has rendered him incapacitated and unable to resume diving operations.

He said that Udo posited that he was contracted by BW Tech in April 2023 for a diving operation at Lagos Anchorage where he recalled taking two dives safely on different days.

Ngwala said Udo was unable to remember the other events of the diving operations of 27th April 2023 that left him incapacitated.

Ngwala said some possible causes of the incident following DPDF investigations included; substandard equipment, inexperience, limited volume of air in the cylinder, inadequate size of team, unqualified dive supervisor.

He added that other possible causes included; absence of hyperbaric chamber onsite, no emergency response plan, procedure and unsafe diving operation, poor selection/supervision of contractor/client.

The Foundation also observed that no approval was granted to the company for the commencement of any diving operation within Nigeria territorial water in line with the Diving at Work Regulations, 2018.

He said that DPDF in collaboration with Blue Pheonix Marine (UK) Ltd and Ultrablue Centre have supported the hyperbaric treatment of Mr Joseph Udo as Type 2 DCI dive accident is suspected to have occurred during dive.

Ngwala said that Udo was currently suffering poor vision (tunnel vision), shock reactions, numbness on the foot and palm, inability to stand without aid and infirm grip when holding objects.

“Some staff of BW. Tech (who were in the hospital) told him that he had an underwater SCUBA accident and had been on emergency care in the hospital for nine days.

“I have not been in a normal health condition, though the company who had engaged the services of a Hyperbaric Doctor and a Neurologist to get me back to normal health, my present condition was life threatening, I am not normal.

” I am deeply concerned about what happened to me on that fateful day 27th April 2023.

“If it was a dive accident as claimed by the company, then they should give vivid explanation and report of the incident, so that I can be treated accordingly and urgently”, Udo stated in an appeal to the leadership of National Association of Professional Divers (NAPROD).

He called on government, regulatory authorities and non-governmental organisations to investigate the matter, while also appealing for an urgent but continuous medical treatment until he is healed.

Biola Lawal

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