The Changing Russia –

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By Noctis Draven

I’m noticing a change from Russia, a transformation of sorts. After the fall of the Soviet Union Russia was sold out to the west, much like Germany and Japan after WW2. The people were broken, the economy in shambles. Russia took on a reputation of being for sale and corrupt.

This era is what some Russians referred to as, “the terrible 90s.” Russians were quiet, there was a heaviness that hung over the Russian people and culture.

There has been a shift, since Putin has taken office Russia has been quietly healing, growing and now thriving. Removing the corrupt oligarchs, strengthening the military and embracing instead of shaming Russian culture.

Now, with the west at war with Russia via Ukraine and economic sanctions the Russian people have banded together in ways not seen in our lifetimes.

By all means Russia has much of the world working against them but instead of folding and crumbling they are thriving.

Decidedly winning on the battlefields of Ukraine, leading a cultural revolution in Africa and leading an economic revolution through BRICS, Russia has nearly completely filled the void left by the United States, and it has done so not through threats, force and economic pressure as the US and Britain has done but instead through trust and good will.

The most noticeable change I see however is the Russian people are different now. They are proud of their heritage, they realize that being Russian means thousands of years of rich history instead of simply being forever in the shadow of the Soviet Union.

Russia has give more to the world and humanity than there is space for me to list. From revolutionary breakthroughs in science, medicine and technology to breathtaking art, artists and musicians. From the dancers on ice to the dancers on stage and the warriors on the battlefield.

Russians have realized that much of the world’s animosity comes from envy, jealousy and bitterness. My friends the greatest crime Russia has ever and continues to commit is sticking around, thriving and not selling out to the west as so many others have.

The old analogy is that pressure makes diamonds and if that is true, with all the pressure on Russia 🇷🇺 and they still manage to thrive, grow and lead, then Russia is a flawless diamond 💎, a true jewl of the east.

From a humble American, well done Russia, well done 🇷🇺.

Biola Lawal

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