Defeat of terrorists non-negotiable – DHQ

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The Defence Headquarters (Abuja) says defeat of terrorists terrorizing the country is non-negotiable.

The Director of Defence Media Operations (DDMO) Major General Edward Buba made the declaration during the weekly briefing of the press on the ongoing military operations against terrorism, banditry, kidnapping, oil-theft, among others across the country.


He said,”Troops are simultaneously fighting in various theatres across the country to deal with the various threat therein. The aim is clear, and it is to find and destroy the terrorist and their cohorts whenever they maybe hiding in order to ensure their enduring defeat. The defeat of these terrorist group is non negotiable as it would deny them to terrorize or hurt citizens of this country.

Troops conducted offensive operations during the month ranging ambushes, raids, fighting patrols and other covert operations. Tactically, whenever there is a clash between troops and terrorist on the ground. Troops clearing win in the fire fight, though sadly in certain operations casualties are sustained . However, each and every engagement ends with troops victory, with several dead or surrendered terrorist in every location.”

Buba disclosed that air assets conducted aggressive air flights during the period under review which resulted in major bombarding raids on significant terrorist enclave.

air assets conducted aggressive air flights during the period under review. Upon confirmation of terrorist presence and the movement of terrorist commanders and their foot soldiers. The targets are acquired and fighter jets scrambled to carry out major bombarding raids on significant terrorist enclave.


“The terrorist leaders enclaves engaged include that of terrorist Nasanda and his loyalist in Zurmi LGA of Katsina State. Also, on 13 April 2024, 3 Senior terrorist commanders (Ali Dawud, Bakura Fallujah and Mallam Ari) were neutralized at Kolleram Village along Lake Chad.


“Additionally, on 15 April 2024, the enclave of terrorist commander Babaru in Kankara LGA of Katsina State was destroyed. Similarly, on 19 Apr 24, the terrorist hideout belonging to a senior terrorist commander Kamilu Buzaru’s in Danmusa LGA of Katsina State was decimated. Then, On 20 April 2024, the gathering of senior terrorist commander Ado Ailero and Kamilu Buzaru’s in Danmusa LGA of Katsina State was disrupted by air strikes. Several terrorist combatants and the Commanders were neutralized in the air strikes.


“Other terrorist Commanders engaged by air strikes include that of Mallam Yadee at Mariga LGA of Niger State. Then, the Enclave of Abdullahi Nasanda and Mallam Tukur in Zurmi and Gusau LGAs of Zamfara State. Thereafter, is the Enclave of Mallam Umar and several other commanders located in the Alawa Forest area of Niger State. Furthermore is Bello Turji’s Camp in Kagara Forest located between Shinkafi in Zamfara and Isa LGA in Sokoto. All the surviving terrorist Commanders and leaders are walking corpses as we would get them, sooner than later,” he said.

said the synchronised strikes between the ground and air forces during the period under review resulted in over 715 terrorists neutralized.


According to him, during the process troops arrested 146 persons and rescued 465 kidnapped hostages. Furthermore, troops recovered 937 assorted weapons, 23,034 assorted ammunitions and denied the oil theft of an estimated sum over #2 bn (N2,572,397,190.00) only.


“Breakdown for the month of February includes and is not limited to the following: 495 AK47 rifles, 190 locally fabricated guns, 43 pump action guns, 151 dane guns, 11,549 rounds of 7.62mm special ammo, 6,722 rounds of 7.62mm NATO, 511 rounds of 9mm and 941 live cartridge.

Others are 2,563,335 litres of stolen crude oil, 254,620 litres of illegally refined AGO, 1,050 litres of DPK and 8,000 litres of PMS amongst other item.


“Overall, the armed forces is building and maintaining the momentum against the terrorist and their cohorts across the country. Troops are conscious and are not loosing sight of importance of momentum, when it comes to fighting such vicious adversaries.


“The current situation depict a a strain of tactical achievements in degrading the terrorist by dismantling most of the terrorist infrastructure in the NE, killing majority of the combatants, killing a lot of their senior combatants. It must be noted that, many of the terrorist commanders as well have been taken off the battlefield.

Ongoing operations have suppressed the terrorist and prevented them from achieving their strategic objectives.”


Buba said troops have equally denied the terrorist freedom of action and disrupted their actives, thereby reducing their effectiveness.


“Nevertheless, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done to rid the environment of terrorist and the military is not resting on its oars,” he said

Lawal AbdulSalam Olawale

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