Ramadan: Shari’a council urge clerics to preach against violent protests

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By Salisu Sani-Idris

The Supreme Council for Shari’a in Nigeria has advised the Federal Government to create community feeding centres for the vulnerable during the forthcoming month of Ramadan.

The President of the council, Sheikh Abdulrrasheed Hadiytullah, made the call in a statement on Wednesday in Abuja.

Hadiytullah urged clerics to use their respective podiums during Ramadan to advocate for the establishment of an expansive social safety net to provide immediate relief to the poor.

” In this regard, we appeal to the Federal and State Governments, to provide immediate relief and succor to the multitudes of the disadvantaged against the stifling economic hardships.

” In addition, we call on all governments to also consider organising community feeding for them, in as many centers, especially during the time of iftar (breaking of fast).”

He also enjoined clerics to use the month of Ramadan and preach against resorting to violent protests against the government.

” We earnestly implore our esteemed Ulamah (clerics ) to exemplify the highest standards of methodology during their Ramadan Tafseer activities.

” In view of the pivotal role of religious leaders in guiding the Muslim Ummah, especially during this sacred time of spiritual reflection and enlightenment.

” We should always remember the Prophetic saying that the Ulamah are the successors of the Prophets).

” We therefore beseech you to employ a compassionate and inclusive approach to ensure that messages resonate with the diverse audience within the community.

” The Tafseer sessions which should serve as platforms to promote unity, tolerance, and understanding among followers, emphasizing the core values of Islam, such as compassion, justice and kindness.”

He urged Nigerians to strive for dialogue and constructive engagement with governments to address their concerns.

According to him, Islam encourages Muslims to seek solutions to problems with their leaders through peaceful means only.

He said ” violence only begets more violence, and it is our duty as responsible citizens and followers of Islam to promote harmony and stability.

” Together, let us channel our grievances through peaceful avenues, foster a culture of tolerance and cooperation for the betterment of our society.”

He emphasised the need for the governments at all levels to take concrete steps to address incidences of corruption, leakages and wasteful spending.

” Corruption is like a cancer, which destroys everything noble and undermines the principles of good governance.

” It is perfectly justified to ask our leaders, why should the ordinary Nigerian be made to bear the brunt of insecurity with trillions being spent on the security agencies without positive result or accountability?

” Why should the ordinary Nigerian suffer difficulties from power failure and its skyrocketing cost with over 20 billion dollars wasted on power, without positive results or accountability?

” There is no doubt that we cannot reasonably expect solutions to issues bedeviling our lives until our leaders summon the political will to address the issue of corruption, whenever, wherever and whoever is involve”

Salisu Sani-Idris

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