NIS Commends EFCC, Sues for Enhanced Collaboration

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By Biola Lawal

Abuja (Flowerbudnews): The Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS) has commended the EFCC for increasingly tackling the menace of economic and financial crimes and  sought greater collaboration with it  in the areas of information and intelligence sharing.

The commendation was given by the Controller Rivers Marine Command,  Port Harcourt,  Bashir Mohammed Lawal when he recently  visited the Port Harcourt Zonal  Command of the EFCC, Dele Oyewale, EFCC Spokesman disclosed in a statement.

Lawal who newly assumed office as the Comptroller, NIS, Rivers Marine Command, appreciated the efforts of the EFCC while stressing the need for a robust relationship and synergy to enhance the fight against corruption, economic and financial crimes.

“I am very grateful for welcoming me to your office.  My visit is consequent upon my assumption of office as the new Comptroller of Immigration, Rivers Marine Command, Onne, Port Harcourt, Rivers state and to seek closer collaboration and synergy with your Commission”, he said.

Responding,  Commander of the Port Harcourt Zonal Command of the EFCC, Assistant Commander of the EFCC, ACE 1 Ahmed Ghali appreciated the visit, stressing that the Commission has always enjoyed positive and cordial relationship with the NIS.

He also noted that the two agencies have been of help to each other in the past and collaboration forms part of the core values of the EFCC.

“We are glad to have you in our midst today. Collaboration is a good thing among sister agencies. We have core values and one of it is collaboration, we take it seriously because we believe without synergy and collaboration with sister agencies we can’t discharge our mandate”, he said.

Continuing,  he noted that the NIS has been helpful in checkmating money  laundering practices at the various borders and airports across the country.

Ghali also pointed out  that the two agencies have a lot of work to do together and called for stronger synergy to achieve it.

In the same vein, Chairman the Nigeria Bar Association, NBA, Port Harcourt branch, Victor Ibim Bennibo paid a courtesy visit to the office of the Port Harcourt Zonal Command in order to solicit for synergy and closer working relationship between the Association and the EFCC.

Benibo sought collaboration with the EFCC adding that the NBA is a relevant stakeholder in the administration of criminal justice system.

“We are very grateful for this reception. This is a kind of cooperation we are always talking about. We are all stakeholders in the administration of criminal justice system, whatever affect us, affects you, and whatever affect you affects us.


”That is why we have come to ensure that we have a better understanding, working together.  Benibo also stressed the need for better communication between the NBA and EFCC.

In response, Ghali thanked Benibo and his team for the visit. “We thank you and your men for this visit, as you rightly pointed out collaboration is good.

”Every day we work with members of your own chapter or other chapters and collaboration is necessary because you need us and sometimes, we will need you, we remain resolute in as much as we practice in line with our service.

He  advised the Association to stop sponsoring matters to the Commission  “because the EFCC only handles criminal matters that pertain to economic and financial crimes”. (Flowerbudnews)

Biola Lawal

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