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By By Dr Omo Odigie, (writes from Benin City)‘

Benin City (Flowerbudnews): ‘Calm’, ‘humble’, ‘calculated’ and a ‘goal-focused’ are words that attempt to define the personality of Dr Ernest Afolabi Umakhihe, the APC’s frontline aspirant for Edo Governorship.

Where he to be in any other major political party, they would adopt his candidacy effortlessly as their consensus choice. Notwithstanding, the APC as always will still run its full democratic process.

By Dr Umakhihe’s pedigree, it behoves the APC, however, to ‘honour its prophet in his homeland’ and thus not hesitate to adopt him as a consensus candidate for the next Edo governorship election. That will be in full accord with the present dynamics which is before it.

For now, the clamour for the APC to make a choice of Dr Ernest Afolabi Umakhihe as its choice gubernatorial candidate is sounding clearer and louder by the day from in and outside of the party – voices of the vulnerable, the privileged, young professionals across all fields and even from the usually conservative old guard! They are all routing for the bureaucrat who just left the civil service of the federation as a permanent secretary after 35 years of meritorious service to the nation.

Of a truth, Dr Umakhihe’s pedigree and life style stands him out exceptionally. Since about 30 years ago of personal knowledge of him, he has been a peoples’ person, and his good works and values far predate his emergence into limelight and are devoid of any ulterior motives or political colourations. That is just who he is!

Ernest Umakhihe’s is ever willing to help and he ever puts others first; he is very accessible to all, even when he rose to the zenith of his professional career as permanent secretary. He is ever in touch with the reality of the people hence all fondly call him the “Grassroots Mobilizer” and the real “Homeboy”.

A totally de-tribalised Nigerian, he is from the Owan clan by divine providence and also a direct descendant of the great Oba Ozolua of Benin Kingdom. He attended Edo College and the University of Benin, both in Benin City. As an Owan man, he shares ancestry with the Etsakos and the Akoko Edos, both politically grouped as Edo North.

His closely bonded wife, Florence hails from Esanland, precisely from Uromi in Edo Central – the land of the two great political leaders of blessed memory – Chief Anthony Enahoro and Chief Tony Anenih.

It is salutary to note that as a federal permanent secretary and in his private capacities, Dr Umakhihe had facilitated visible projects in all three senatorial districts of Edo State, where life has now become better for the people. He is a sure bet for continuity in responsible governance.

No doubt, Dr Umakhihe will engender a fresh hope amongst the people and inject the fresh blood that is urgently needed to purposefully govern Edo state and bring her to he Canaan.(Flowerbudnews)

Biola Lawal

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