2024 Hajj: Board cautions intending pilgrim against paying to agents

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By Usman Aliyu

Benin:. The Edo Muslim Pilgrims Welfare Board has warned intending pilgrims to the 2024 Hajj against making payment into the accounts of agents.

The board advised them to pay the N4.5 million deposit directly into the board’s account.

Sheikh Ibrahim Oyarekhua, the Chairman of the board gave the advice on Sunday in Benin while speaking with newsmen.

The board chairman said that the warning was to further raise the consciousness of the people to the antics of fraudsters.

“We don’t patronise agent. Though we have our resource persons, who, if they are able to convince anybody on Hajj, give the board’s account number to the person to pay direct by himself,” he said.

Oyarekhua said s that the board had communicated the new deadline for payment to the pilgrims, using the media as an avenue to reach them.

“We have coopted Imams across the state to include Hajj in their Friday sermons so that we can reach out to all intending pligrisms this year,”he said.

He said that the board was making preparation in terms of accommodation, feeding and transportation and other things to make the Hajj a hitch free for the pilgrims.

He said that there may be variations in Hajj fare this year, adding that he it will depend on how cheap states are able to secure accommodations in the Holy land.

“For now, It is still N4.5 million, it is after our operation in Saudi Arabia that the final fare would be announced after all the components that made up the Hajj are put together.

“Intending pilgrims should pay the N4.5 million and after the final fare is announced, if it is above the amount, they will have to pay the balance.

“If is less than that, the board will refund the amount to them,” he said. (NAN) (www.nannews.ng) /Flowerbudnews

Biola Lawal

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