Osun Invites Investors, Assures Them of Conducive Business and industrial Environment

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By Biola Lawal
Oshogbo (Flowerbudnews): Osun state government has made a clarion call to local and international investors, businessmen and industrialists to come and invest and benefit from the state’s conducive economic environment.

The call was made by the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the state-owned Omoluabi Holdings Limited,  Alh. Kola Alimi while speaking in an exclusive interview with Flowerbudnews in Oshogbo.

Alimi said that the current focus was to make Osun state to become the cynosure for foreign and local investors by making them enjoy tremendous hospitality, government support and incentives.

(Kola Alimi, the CEO، Omoluabi Holdings Limited)

He said that for investors, the comparative advantages being promoted by the state government included reasonable construction inputs like sand, labour etc.

Alimi said that one of the biggest economic advantages of investing in Osun state was the issue of land, stressing that the state government under Gov. Nurudeen Ademola Adeleke was determined to ensure stress-free access to land by investors.

The Omoluabi Holdings CEO said that investors could tap the state’s rich agricultural and industrial potentials as well as in the area of property development.

He disclosed that the state, through Omoluabi Holdings, was already partnering some investors for property development in Lagos, Abuja and Oshogbo to boost the revenue base of the state government.

Alimi urged property developers to come and invest in Osun state, saying,”we are open to more partnerships with property developers to build suitable and moderate estates in Osun”.

Alhaji Kola Alimi promised to further put his wealth of experience as a former top shot in Nestle  Nigeria limited to boost the investment portfolio of Omoluabi Holdings (Flowerbudnews)



Biola Lawal

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