Aaron Greenspan, the American working for Abubakar Atiku, Peter Obi and David Hundeyin

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By Bayo Onanuga

Abuja:  (Flowerbudnews): Aaron Greenspan, the American working for Abubakar Atiku, Peter Obi and one David Hundeyin is trying to force Washington D.C judge to reverse her ruling on Monday, when she declined to order some US agencies to release post-haste imaginary documents on President Bola Tinubu.

With the Nigerian Supreme Court set to give its ruling on the appeals by the election losers on Thursday, Greenspan launched the new move Wednesday possibly trying to impress his paymasters in Nigeria that he deserves to be paid for his ‘hatchet’ job. He is undeterred by the disappointment he suffered after the report sent to him by IRS, contains nothing against the Nigerian leader.

Today, the desperate Greenspan filed two motions. The first was a motion for judicial notice about the case he wants to represent before the court, two days after Judge Beryl A. Howell declined Greenspan’s request on the grounds that he failed to satisfy the relevant conditions for the grant of a motion for emergency hearing, which he filed on Monday.

The second motion was titled:

The wordings reek of desperation that makes one wonder what business a Jewish American, who owns one obscure website in the United States, has in Nigeria’s affairs.

In his move to make the Washington judge reverse herself, Greenspan attached a discredited, fake story about Nigeria’s chief Justice , published by an online platform.

Then he prayed the court for the second time in 48 hours, to order the US agencies release President Tinubu’s documents to him.

“This Court need not hold a hearing to ensure that Defendants are held to their promise to produce documents by the “end of October.” With the end of October having arrived and with every day 24 hours closer to a final, binding decision by the Supreme Court of Nigeria, short of ordering the production of any documents already prepared for release, this Court should at least order Defendants to provide a Joint Status Report within 48 hours that explains their updated plan for producing responsive materials, and specifically whether any responsive materials are already redacted and ready for production”, he wrote.

Mr Greenspan, you and your sponsors are surely not going to succeed in your desperate moves. You have tried, make sure your masters pay you. (Flowerbudnews)

Biola Lawal

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