No bridge has collapsed along Jebba-Mokwa-Bokani road -FG

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The Federal Ministry of Works and Housing, Monday, strongly dispelled as fake, news circulating in the social media speculating that some bridges along Jebba-Mokwa-Bokani Road, especially Tatabu Bridge, collapsed and advising motorists to avoid the route.

The Ministry clarified that there is no bridge collapse along the route and urged members of the public to disregard any mischievous circulation of old pictures as a recent incident.

In a Press Release signed by the Deputy Director, Press, Mr Stephen Kilebi, the Ministry confirmed that all the bridges along the route are in good motorable condition pointing out that the route was very recently traversed to confirm the condition of the bridges.

Dispelling the news as unfounded, the Press Release noted that the Federal Controller of Works/Engineer’s Representative in Niger State, Engr. I.F. Umeh, who along with other officers travelled on the road up to the Kwara State border confirmed that, “All the bridges are in good and passable condition. There is no bridge that collapsed along the road. The Tatabu Bridge is intact and in perfect condition”, adding that there is also free vehicular movement along the entire stretch of the road.

While advising motorists to ignore any fake news of bridge collapse along the aforementioned road, the Ministry stressed the need for caution, especially by those using the social platform for the dissemination of news pointing out that the circulation of such unconfirmed and fake news concerning an important public utility such as the Jebba-Mokwa-Bokani Road could trigger off a situation that could have grave economic consequences to the nation.

Biola Lawal

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