Never Use Dishwashing Liquid To Wash Your Car – Car Talk

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(FLOWERBUDNEWS) Dishwashing liquid is designed to aggressively attack and break down dried food, oil and grease.

That’s great for dishes — not so great for car paint. Car paint, clear coat and car wax contain oils and resins that maintain the paint’s integrity and filter out harmful UV rays.

When you wash your car with dishwashing liquid, you actually strip off the wax and pull some of those critical oils out of the paint and paint sealants, leaving it bare and exposed to the elements.

If you immediately wax your car with a high-quality wax, you can restore some of the UV protection. If you don’t wax your car after washing with dishwashing liquid , you lose important sun protection.

If you regularly wash your car with dishwashing liquid, you’ll degrade the paint and clear coat enough over its life to cause premature fading and even early paint failure.

Biola Lawal

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