K1 De Ultimate debunks marrying socialite Aramide Adenle

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Priscilla Osaje

(FLOWERBUDNEWS)  Popular Fuji star, Wasiu Ayinde a.k.a K1 De Ultimate has debunked the claims of marrying one Nigerian socialite Aramide Adenle who has a daughter for him.

The fuji star made this known in a statement released by his spokesperson Kunle Rasheed.

The statement reads;

“Our attention has been drawn to a story making the rounds that King of Fuji music, K1 De Ultimate had married a new wife.

” The peddlers of this story also stated that he already has a daughter with the same woman and recently spent 15 million naira to host a party for her.

“For the avoidance of doubt, we wish to state that marriage is a holy rite ordained by God.

‘A man of K1’s calibre and accomplishments cannot be one to enter into such union without the knowledge of his family and friends which indeed include top media practitioners.

“We find it repulsive that K1’s name can be dragged into one fictional marriage story wiithout any attempt to confirm the veracity or otherwise of such story.

“We wish to inform friends, family, fans and the general public that indeed K1 performed at the mentioned ceremony because he was contracted to play at the Ibadan party.

“How that translated into his marriage ceremony is one that we are yet to understand.

” All K1 did at the event was to deliver a 100 percent A-class performance the K1 brand is known for and nothing more.

“Indeed, the universal standard practice in journalism demands proper and adequate confirmation of stories before rushing to press,” it stated.

The singer who reportedly has 38 children from different women also dispelled rumours of spending N15million to host a party for her.

According to him, marriage is a holy rite ordained by God, adding that he cannot enter into such relationship without the knowledge of his family and friends which indeed include top media practitioners.

He is Nigerian fuji musician introduced the genre to the sounds of keyboards, saxophones and guitars by making the genre a danceable tune that appeals to all age group irrespective of tribe and background .

.Ayinde won several local musical competitions, in 1975 he became a member of Ayinde Barrister’s band the ‘Supreme Fuji Commanders ‘.

In 1979, K1 De Ultimate released his first solo album titled ‘Abode Mecca’ and in 1984 his most successful album Talazo 84 was released.

The artist has received a lot of music awards including FAME Musician of the Year, Best Fuji Artiste at the Nigerian Music Awards, Best African Artiste at the WOMAD Festival in Reading 1996 and The ‘Headies Hall Of Fame’ award in 2013.

In 2001, he has been granted the title “Olu Omo” (golden child) by the king of Lagos, King Adeyinka Oyekan II.

The King Wasiu has recorded over 50 Fuji albums including some international releases, his albums include: vivid Imagination, Ara-EdideIlekun, MedleyIjebu, MedleySun – SunCanada 98 Part 2, The UltimateFuji Collections Series Rhythm.

Biola Lawal

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