Food For Thought: The Story of President Nixon’s Adviser –  Robert Greene

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The late American president
He has an advisor named ••
“Robert Greene”…
He obtained a doctorate in public law.
Then he obtained a doctorate in international law.
🩸 He then became president of the Harvard Society of International Law,
🩸And US President Nixon’s foreign affairs advisor,
And Deputy Director of the US National Security Council,
He is considered one of the leading political experts in America.
And founder of the Center for Civilization and Renewal in America,
🩸He masters six living languages.

One day, American President Nixon wanted to read about Islam, so he asked the American intelligence to prepare a study for him on that subject, and they actually carried out his orders, but their research was somewhat long…
He asked his advisor, Robert Crane, to read the research and summarize it for him.

Indeed, Robert read the research, then went to attend Islamic seminars and lectures to learn more about the subject…
It was only a few days before the news of Robert Crane’s conversion to Islam spread throughout the entire United States of America…!

He called himself Farouk Abdel Haq…
He says about the reason for his conversion to Islam: As a student of law, I found in Islam all the laws that I studied…
Indeed, while I was studying at Harvard University for 3 years, I did not find the word “justice” in their laws.
even once …
I found this word in Islam a lot…

He converted to Islam in 1981 AD and named himself (Farouk) after Al-Farouq Omar, may God be pleased with him, who was an imam of justice after the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace…

– He says:
We were in a legal dialogue, and one of the Jewish law professors was with us. He started speaking and then began delving into Islam and Muslims. I wanted to silence him, so I asked him: Do you know the size of the inheritance law in the American Constitution?

He said: Yes, more than eight volumes.
– so I told him:
If I brought you an inheritance law in no more than ten lines, would you believe that Islam is a true religion?

– He said:
This can’t be.
So I brought him the verses on inheritance from the Holy Qur’an and presented them to him.

He came to me after several days and said to me: It is not possible for a human mind to count all the kinship relationships with such comprehensiveness that does not forget anyone and then distribute the inheritance among them with such justice that does not oppress anyone…

Then this Jewish man converted to Islam. ..!
Dr. Robert Crane (Farouk),
He is still alive, he is 91 years old.
*Source: Wikipedia website*
Read it to learn that Islam is the greatest law on earth.

Oh God, bless us with Islam
May God bless and grant peace and blessings to our master Muhammad and his family and companions (Flowerbudnews)

Biola Lawal

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