BRISIN’s operations will take governance closer to Nigerians

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The Basic Registry and Information System in Nigeria (BRISIN), says its provision of with credible data to the Federal Government and its agencies will take governance closer to Nigerians.

Co-ordinator of the scheme Dr Anthony Uwa, told the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) Forum in Abuja that the implementation of BRISIN would ensure daily collection and storage of credible data from the various wards to be used by government agencies for the betterment of the lives of the people.

Uwa gave assurance that BRISIN was not in conflict with any government agency responsible for collecting data for the country.

“Brisin is just like an umbrella tree, it starts from the grass root, to the local government, to the states and to the federal, so the (BRISIN) data centre is built at the ward level.

“That BRISIN centre gives us a clear picture of what exist in that ward; this gives us the opportunity for rural development of that ward.

“This gives us the opportunity of knowing if that ward requires some additional funding from both governments, from the BRISIN system, if that ward actually has been lacking.’’

.According to Uwa, when the data is collected and stored in the data bank, any MDA that requires data will be assured of real time data to run its affairs for the good of Nigerians.

He said with the data, there would also be no need for lobbying for projects at the National Assembly as the system would provide clear and true picture of what was needed in the various wards.

“There will be no room for misplaced projects, there will be no room for lobbying, it will make governance very easy; with just a click on the BRISIN data bank all information will be made bare.

“The good thing about BRISIN is that they collect report every day; it is not like that which you will report and it will be static for ten years, every day there must be new information.

“And it is a very big project; it is a project that is going to solve the high-headed Nigeria problem that has been lingering,’’ he said.

According to Uwa, BRISIN will also settle the issue of unemployment in the country because it will provide information on the number of people that are employed, unemployed, and those qualified to be employed.

He said BRISIN would create a medium where artisans from different sectors would be identified and properly trained by the government to contribute to the growth of the nation’s GDP.

On the on-going recruitment, Uwa said the 5,000 personnel to be recruited were just for the FCT pilot phase, adding that more Nigerians would be employed subsequently.

He said: “When you consider the six Area Councils, 62 wards, and the central city, you will realise that it requires a lot of personnel.

“So we are going to employ more; this is just the pilot phase.

“We could have up to 10 million people employed within the number of years that BRISIN will run.”

NAN reports that BRISIN is an integrated system that collects, stores and distributes information to support management of the country’s economy. (NAN)

Biola Lawal

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