Bring your children for vaccination, Unicef urges parents in Bauchi

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A Consultant with Unicef Field Office in Bauchi, Al Amin Barrow, has appealed to parents in Bauchi State to bring out their children for measles and meningitis A vaccination, saying this is the best way to prevent children from dying with the disease.

Mr. Barrow stated this in a one- day orientation for journalists on the forthcoming measles and Men A vaccination campaign coming up from 16 to 23 November 2019.

The Consultant said that children under five years and those not vaccinated are at the increased risk of contracting diseases saying that, “measles is a dangerous disease that kills children as it is contagious and meningitis is a disease associated with high mortality”.

For measles, he revealed that the state is targeting over 1.2million children from age 9 to 59 months to be vaccinated   and for meningitis A, over 1.7 million children age 1 to 7 years will be vaccinated.

According to him, the disease affects babies, preschool children and young and if not treated can lead to brain demage and hearing lost or disability.

Al Amin Barrow disclosed that the vaccination will run concurrently and all eligible age groups are to be vaccinated irrespective of previous immunization history.

The Programme Manager of the immunization, Dr Jibrin Umar, in his address, said Meningitis A vaccine was in short supply which is why only children between age 1 to 7 will be vaccinated.

He said the idea was to boost their immunity as most mortality and morbidity is within this age group.

According him, the orientation is to solicit for the media support to create awareness on the campaign.

Dr Umar said the two vaccinations were free and is also put of the state routine immunization scheduled.

The vaccination will take place at health facility, fixed posts, schools, motor parks and markets while only trained health workers will be used.

Biola Lawal

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