261 days of Gaza bombardment: Shiites stage peaceful protest in Abuja, demand end to massacre

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By Flowerbudnews

Members of the Islamic Movement, also known as the Shiites, on Monday, trooped out in their large number in Abuja to stage a peaceful protest in solidarity with the People of Palestine as the Gaza bombardment by the Israel hits 261 days.

The protesters, who began the rally from the popular Wuse Market, matched through Aguiyi Ironsi Street to Berger Junction, chanting anti-US/Israeli slogans.

The Islamic group, which condemned the killing of over 37, 000 innocent civilians within 37 weeks in Gaza, called for immediate stop to the ongoing killings.

Sheikh Sidi Munir Mainasara Sokoto, who spoke on behalf of the group under the leadership of His Eminence Sayyid Ibraheem El-Zakzaky (H), in a statement made available, accused the United States of conspiracy.

He called on the US to end what he called “the ongoing genocide of Palestinians in Gaza ” now.

“Since the 7th day of October, 2023, Israel has kept up with its inhuman military aggression against the oppressed people of Palestine, without sparing women, children, or the elderly.

“Today marks the 261st day of the Gaza bombardment. Within these days, Israel has dropped over 50,000 bombs, killing at least 37,598 Palestinians and leaving 86,032 innocent People, majorly Children injured. Nearly 80 per cent of homes in Gaza have been partially or completely wiped out. Places of worship, markets, hospitals, and schools have also been targeted and destroyed.

“According to the United Nations, half of Gaza is at risk of starvation. Further, the World Health Organization reports that Israeli attacks and the siege have resulted in the spread of diseases that may even kill more people than the detonated bombs have so far done.

“The over-37-week-old genocide has been made possible by the total support from the US government and it allies.

“They have even blocked a UN Security Council resolution calling for a total ceasefire; this exposes the fact that they are the sponsors and accessories to the Gaza carnage.

“In the context of the ongoing massacre, every reasonable and humane government would rise against the Israeli terror attacks on the ever-persecuted Palestinians in line with international law.

“But the US continues to fan the flames of insensate destruction and cold-blooded murders of innocent people, mainly women, children, and the elderly.

“We have seen video footage of young people crying out of gruesome torture, little children sitting in pools of blood and debris, and fathers carrying their emaciated and lifeless kids.

“This pains our hearts and fills us with an unbearable rage. The atrocities are yet ongoing: the siege and indiscriminate bombing. The cutting of all means of communication continues, as well as the destruction of buildings, including hospitals.

“Explosions still detonate, and the Zionist entity still massacres unarmed Palestinian men, women, and children with the full support of the US governments.

“Without the US providing weapons to Netanyahu and voting against all efforts by the United Nations to bring about a total ceasefire, Israel would have no option but to withdraw from occupied Palestine and stop the cold-blooded killings.

“On the 11th January, 2024, US military forces led an attack on Yemen. The Yemeni government has been blocking ships only bound for Israel in order to force Netanyahu to stop the genocide and lift the siege, and the Yemeni Authority makes that clear to all and sundry.

“Therefore, attacking them for doing so amounts to trying to stop them from upholding international law. It clearly shows that those attacking them are parties to the ongoing massacre of women, children, and the elderly in Gaza.

“Moreover, the said attack on Yemen by US-led forces further exposed America’s complicity in the 261-day-old nonstop genocide against unarmed Palestinians.

“We demand an immediate and absolute stop to the ongoing massacre of civilians in the strip of Gaza.”

Biola Lawal

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