Ogige Market demolition: former LG Chairman urges Nsukka people to give development chance

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By Flowerbudnews

A former Chairman of Nsukka Local Government Area (LGA) in Enugu State, Chief Steve Odo, has urged Nsukka people especially traders to exercise restraint and give development a chance.


Odo told newsmen on Wednesday in Enugu that there was a need for the people to reconsider the Ogige Market demolition by Gov. Peter Mbah led administration for an ultra-modern transport terminal and business park from a positive perspective.

He spoke to newsmen in Enugu on the sidelines of some opposition parties only looking at the temporary discomfort of few daily traders and not considering the longtime and overall development, modernization and innovation the move would bring to Nsukka.


The former chairman noted that during his time as executive chairman he had to do some demolition in the same market to allow for development and modernization that the market enjoys today to come in.


He said: “I met Ogige Market, Nsukka in March 1996 as elected Chairman of the LGA when most of the shops were thatched houses and people were carrying on piggery farming in the market.

“As such, I demolished 34 pig pens in the market as part of market development in the overall interest of the people.


“I also demolished the few shabby stalls used then for sale of meat and moved them to a reconstructed 120 slabs abattoir/meat shops.


“These demolitions and modernization earned me a chieftaincy title as ‘Ekwueme Nsukka’ by Umuada and Akpuruarua Nsukka.


“The people saw and felt the progressively development in the market and that the action was in their best interest.”

Odo, who is a PDP chieftain and founding member, urged the government to also check land encroachment to various markets and parks owned by the state in the best interest of the people and development.


“I like the proposed Central Bus Terminal by the government especially when such can be accommodated within the areas originally mapped out for Motor Parks that might have been encroached by private home developers and even stall owners as well.


“Our amiable and innovative Gov. Peter Mbah’s body language, actions and achievements so far speak volumes of a leader that is on the fast lane of development and fast industralisation of the entire Enugu State,” he said.

Odo, who is a former General Manager of Enugu State Tourism Board, also sympathised with the affected few people especially those who are trading as tenants to the shop owners that would not benefit from the compensation paid by government.


“The affected people should be patient and show understanding. I believe Gov. Mbah is a listening governor and will surely address their issues with positivity,” he added.

Biola Lawal

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