China, Equatorial Guinea elevate ties

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BEIJING,m: (Xinhua)/Flowerbudnews:  — China and Equatorial Guinea on Tuesday elevated their relations to a comprehensive strategic partnership of cooperation.

This was announced by Chinese President Xi Jinping and Teodoro Obiang Nguema Mbasogo, president of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, during their talks in Beijing.

Xi said China and Equatorial Guinea are good friends and partners, and their relations feature a high level of political mutual trust.

Since they established diplomatic ties more than half a century ago, the two sides have been helping each other through thick and thin, and firmly supporting each other on issues involving each other’s core interests and major concerns, he said.

Under the new circumstances, consolidating and developing China-Equatorial Guinea relations conforms to the fundamental interests and common expectations of the two countries and peoples, Xi said.

China firmly supports Equatorial Guinea in safeguarding national sovereignty and independence, opposing foreign interference, and independently exploring its own development path, he said.

China is ready to take the opportunity of elevating bilateral ties to further deepen friendly exchanges with Equatorial Guinea, and exchange experience in reform, development and poverty alleviation to inject lasting impetus into the two countries’ traditional friendship, Xi said.

Biola Lawal

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