NDE trains 20 unemployed youths on environmental beautification in Adamawa

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By Talatu Maiwada

The National Directorate of Employment (NDE), has commenced the training of 20 unemployed youths in Adamawa under its 2024 Environmental Beautification Training Scheme (EBTS).

Malam Abubakar Nuhu-Fikpo, Director General NDE, disclosed this at the inaugural ceremony of 20 beneficiaries for the 2024 EBTS, in Yola.

Represented by Mrs Pwa-Angulma Josia, Head of Human Resources NDE, Adamawa, Nuhu-Fikpo said the programme
was part of its continues effort in addressing unemployment in the country.

He said EBTS was designed to create decent jobs to unemployed school leavers and drop-outs, through land scaping value chain in the 36 states of the federation and FCT.

He said the scheme under its Special Public Works Department would train beneficiaries on skills including; plaster of paris(pop), hard landscaping (holticulture), soft landscaping (flowering) and drainage.

“We are here to inaugurates the three months training of 20 participants under the 2024 EBTS, with the prospective participants are drawn from various local governments in the state.

“The aim of the training is to promote environmental renewal inhabitation in urban and rural particularly towns and cities offering skills ecstatics, protection, sanitation among others, he said”.

Nuhu-Fikpo encouraged the beneficiaries to take advantage of the opportunity and acquire the needed skills that would enable them set up their businesses and became job creators.

Malam Nuhu Bello State Coordinator NDE, Adamawa underscored the importance of skill acquisition, saying such would help towards poverty eradication and national security, as there are no available government jobs.

Represented by Na’amar Jonah, Head of Department Small Scale Enterprise(SSE) NDE, Bello said the programme would adopt open apprenticeship skill, to enable each beneficiary achieve their desired goals.

“Open apprenticeship is where a beneficiary is allowed to chose a skill of their choice, then attached to a Master trainer to be trained in theory and practical for the training period.

“I urge you beneficiaries to be diligent, and respectful to your trainers to learn the necessary skills and successfully complete the training to improve your lives and your family, Bello said”.

Malam Suleiman Yaros, EBTS master trainer encouraged trainees to be dedicated in achieving their goals as each trainee would work with professionals to acquire experience and business ethics.

Bello Mohammed a prospective trainee expressed gratitude to NDE for the opportunity to be trained in his desired skill.

“This training opportunity is what we expect from our government and leaders, because it will empower some of us that are jobless and roaming the streets,’ he said”.(NAN)

Salisu Sani-Idris

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