Residents Of Orozo Mass Housing Scheme Protest Insecurity, Harassment By Thugs

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(FLOWERBUD NEWS) The chairman, Mathias Amuta of the Orozo Mass Housing Scheme Landlords’ Association, has called on the security agencies and Nasarawa state government to beef up security in the estate.

Amuta made the call in a statement made available to the News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) on Wednesday in Abuja.

He appealed to the Inspector General of Police, the Nasarawa State Governor, the Emir of Karshi, Ordinary President, Ahmed Isah to intervene and restore sanity to the area and prevent the loss of lives and property.

According to him, in recent time it has become a regular incidence to record cases of thuggery, harassment, and criminal trespass and invasion of private residences.

“A day ago, thugs invaded residences in the Estate and physically assaulted the occupants including the wives, children and relatives, while destroying property which value cannot be ascertained at the moment.

 “Some of the residents, who were seriously injured, had been taken to the National Hospital, Abuja, and Asokoro General Hospital to receive treatments.

“These incidences are in addition to daily harassment, intimidation, and denial of entry into the estate by these thugs in spite of a valid court order,” he added.

The director of the company managing the estate, Pastor Andrew Akogwu, after collecting hundreds of millions of money from residents, disappeared into thin air without the infrastructural development of the estate.

“Suddenly, a new set of people appeared demanding for more money. The other faction of the company has written to residents not to make payment nor deal with the new management.

“Disturbed by this infighting and the lack of accountability, residents demanded that the company should first put its house in order, account for the money so far collected before demanding for more.

“Moreover, thugs chased away the officials of the state government who came to intervene to restore peace and sanity to the estate.

“As it is, the estate is fast turning into a slum, yet the company carries on like a quasi government of its own with series of complaints made at the New Karshi Divisional Police Station not attended to,” he said.

Meanwhile, some police officers who came to arrest two of the thugs refused to grant interview to newsmen and denied the allegation that the police were not doing anything about the situation. (NAN)


Biola Lawal

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