Nigeria’s 2nd Peer Review, AUDA reform’ll boost economy, deepen democracy- AUDA-NEPAD/APRM Boss

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Nigeria’s 2nd Peer Review, AUDA reform’ll boost economy, deepen democracy- AUDA-NEPAD/APRM BossThe ongoing efforts to conduct the second self-assessment of the nation in specific socio-economic areas will boost socio-economic growth and further deepen democracy in the most populous state in Africa,  says Princess Gloria Akobundu, National Coordinator, Chief executive, African Union Development Agency-New Partnership for Africa’s Development/ African Peer Review Mechanism (AUDA-NEPAD/APRM) Nigeria.

This is contained in a statement signed on Wednesday in Abuja by Abolade Ogundimu, Media Assistant to the NC/CEO, AUDA-NEPAD/APRM Nigeria.

Akobundu made this known at the Focal Points Meeting of APRM Continental in Johannesburg, South Africa.

According to Akobundu, President Muhamadu Buhari’s approval for 2nd Peer Review of the Country, transformation of NEPAD to AUDA-NEPAD and inauguration of its National Governing Council (NGC) are geared towards putting the nation on the path of more significant growth.

“President Buhari approved that 2nd Peer Review should be conducted in Nigeria after 11 years, not only to join the three other nations that have done 2nd Peer Review but to make adequate use of the process in order to work on its outcome for greater development.

“That informed why AUDA-NEPAD/APRM NGC members were carefully selected so that they rightly guide the agency in carrying out the review and other mandates.

“Nigeria has inaugurated the council while other steps that will enable the agency to function optimally in the country are already on motion to ensure that the self- assessment phase of the process is transparent.

“Peer review is a voluntary exercise but the current leadership in Nigeria is determined to make it a culture for national growth and political stability.

“We are sure of generating useful data from our second peer review process, bearing in mind all the validating mechanism of the continental secretariat,” she said.

As Nigeria prepares for the launching of AUDA-NEPAD/APRM Reform in September, Akobundu urged other African Countries to embrace the process especially, those that were yet to do the first peer review.

Among other benefits,  the Reform’s launching will enhance effective and efficient implementation of AUDA-NEPAD/APRM mandate , speedy economic growth and abundant job creation in the country.

“Africa will attain global and continental developmental goals if individual African Union (AU) nation embraces and comply with mandates of organisations like AUDA and APRM.

“Through APRM, AUDA and other AU organisations, Sustainable Developmental Goal (SDG) 2030 and AU 2063 which geared towards meeting benchmark of basic development of human and mineral resources in every nation,” she said.

The National Coordinator commended Nigeria’s Focal Point, which is the Secretary to the Government of the Federation (S.G.F) in person of Mr. Boss Mustapha for his commitment to mandates of his position in the continental body.

She commended leadership of APRM Continental, led by Eddy Maloka for the support given to Nigeria and other nations that subscribed to its mandate.

APRM Focal Points meeting is part of APRM Continental activities, scheduled fot Aug. 4 -8 in Johannesburg, South Africa.

Biola Lawal

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