Xi congratulates National University of Defense Technology on 70th anniversary

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Beijing:  (Xinhua/NAN) Chinese President Xi Jinping on Friday congratulated the faculty, students, and alumni of National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) as the university marked its 70th anniversary.

Xi, also Secretary-General of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and chairman of the Central Military Commission (CMC) gave the congratulatory letter to the university.

In the letter, he acknowledged the great contribution made by the university over the past seven decades to the development of national defense and the armed forces.

He stressed that the university had nurtured excellent graduates, achieved cutting-edge scientific and technological break throughs and made progress in researching and developing weaponry and equipment.

Xi expressed hope that the university would fully implement military education policies for the new era, cultivate high-caliber professional military personnel, step up innovation in defense sciences and technologies.

According to him, this will strive to play an important role in strengthening the military through science and technology and personnel training.

Zhang Youxia, a member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and vice chairman of the CMC, read out Xi’s letter at a meeting to the hearing of members.

The meeting was to mark the anniversary in Changsha, capital city of central China’s Hunan Province being held on Friday.

It is imperative to study and put into practice the guiding principles of Xi’s instructions, said Zhang.

Zhang urged the NUDT to further improve the education quality and capacity for scientific and technological innovation, and strive to build the university into a world-class institution of higher education. (Xinhua/NAN) (www.nannews.ng) /Flowerbudnews

Biola Lawal

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